Home for Ukraine

Home for Ukraine
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We are an inter-village group of volunteers focused on providing useful and updated information and tools to support us all during this Covid-19 time, helping to join the dots between national and local resources such as Government, NHS, Parish Council, Churches and other local organisations.

Think of the Carebank as your box of useful links and resources to help with social connection during physical distancing. Our website provides a 'shop window’ to some great local and national resources to help us all through the lock-down period.

Staying Connected
Isolating not isolated

The British Government has asked us to socially distance ourselves to prevent Covid-19's spread. More stringent social distancing measures are recommended for over 70s and those with underlying health conditions.

Mental, social and physical stimulation will help keep feelings of isolation, anxiety and loneliness at bay during this period of self isolation and social distancing. The Hadhams and outlying villages have always offered residents a broad range of community based social and physical activities, and we are trying to replicate some of these activities virtually.

If you would like to participate in any of these or help out with anything else to support our individual and collective physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social well-being, please get in touch.