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Thursday, 6 May 2021

Denim for Dementia


Do you and your loved ones know what you need to know ?  Take part in Dying Matters Awareness Week 10 -16 May and join the end of life conversation.
Discover more at:

You can also connect with those who are grieving across the UK for the loss of Prince Phillip and others who have been lost across communities during the pandemic at:  https://www.royal.uk/condolence


Sunday, 2 May 2021

CAREbank News May 2021



As we approach being allowed to meet up inside again in bubbles of up to six people, we would like to invite anyone interested in learning more about what will be available at our new hub, to consider booking a visit to Little Hadham Village Hall. 

Our inter-village Hub will be based out of Little Hadham Village Hall and directly connect to our Patient Participation group at Much Hadham Health Centre. It will be a very safe and friendly space for any resident living along the Ash Valley to explore all kinds of helpful health and social connections both face to face and online. It will be especially useful for anyone seeking to use digital technology to stay safe and connected to services such as NHS, Govt, charities and local activities. You will be assisted by volunteers from all our villages working together. 

Contact Claire on 07595 674241 or Jan on 07710 325363 for more information or check out the CAREbank website

Zoom continues with Wednesday afternoon CuppaTime, Friday morning Chair Yoga, and Friday evening ballet. Contact Claire 07595 674241
Active In Herts are working hard with us to create a bespoke hub for all rural residents. Check out their May classes at: www.whatson.activeeastherts.org.uk Emma, a very experienced Much Hadham health & fitness instructor has a weekly zoom timetable of 5 classes on there. 


As we come out of lockdown, we will move any further Covid related updates online to carebank.uk. You can off course continue to ask our MH volunteer support network of over 60 people, for advice or help on 07593 876279. Please save this or any other of the useful numbers below for future ref as we move on from Covid focused info. 


· For Much Hadham area: 07593 876279 
· For Little Hadham area: 07710 325363 
· For Pelhams area: 07599 616444 
· For  Albury area: 01279 771465
· For lifts to Hospital Appointments: 0300 123 1677
· For Citizens Advice: 01920 459944
· For Adult Social Care: 0300 123 4042
· For Carers in Herts: 01992 586969
· For Bereavement Support: 0808 808 1677 or www.cruse.org.uk
· For General Crisis Support: 0300 123 4044 or info@hertshelp.net

These will start at Little Hadham Village Hall from 9th June and are designed both for complete beginners or those wanting to do more with their phones, iPads and computers in an increasingly digital world. Small regular workshops of 6 people max, will give you the chance to get to grips with:
· Zoom and other ways to do video calling 
· Electronic communication such as emails & online contact forms 
· Phone and iPad Apps
· Facebook and other social media platforms
· NHS eConsult & online govt or hospital contact 
· E shopping & banking
· Scams and keeping safe online.

Timing and sign up details will be in next month's Parish Magazine. In the meantime please get in touch with Jan on 07710 325363 to book a spot.

Saturday, 1 May 2021

Your May 2021 Top 5

1.  Do you dislike rubbish outside yours & your neighbour’s homes?
How about getting together a small group for a litter pick.

2.  Do you have things you'd like to see donated to Isabel Hospice?
Quality clothing, jewellery, ornaments, vinyl records, vintage toys, camera equipment could be picked up monthly from our Village Hall car park.

3.  Would you like a nicer seating area near the playground, or have ideas of how it could look or be cared for?
Why not start a small group, and if you come up with some ideas, our parish council can help make it happen. 

4.  Would you like to see a regular pop-up kitchen cafe for breakfast, lunches, coffee/afternoon teas at the Village Hall? 
You could volunteer or even work for Copley's, who could run this service for the good of our whole community.

5.  Would you like to see a regular outdoor and indoor activity for our elderly and lonely?
Why not offer to help run a weekly walk or indoor event at the VH with Bingo, Card games, Scrabble or jigsaws?

Our recent project with the Small Acts of Kindness charity is a great example of a community coming together to help one another.

If you have any comments/suggestions, or would like more info on any of these, then contact Claire on 07595 674241 or if you think some funding would make all the difference, contact Penny on 07719 589993 to see if the Parish Council may be able to help.