Home for Ukraine

Home for Ukraine
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Here you can find useful information relating to health provided by the NHS, rural and community services and government agencies. Click on the logos to connect to the relevant providers and their services.

Supporting Your Immunity
To reduce your chances of catching Covid-19, follow government guidelines including regularly washing your hands and avoiding physical contact with others. This is particularly important for protecting at-risk groups including people with existing health conditions, the elderly and pregnant women.

Lockdown is working, so we all need to continue to work to flatten the curve. While it might feel like there is a lot of uncertainty right now, there are still many positive things we can all do to support our health and that of the people around us at this difficult time. One of them is making sure we are supporting our immune system by eating a plant-rich diet that supports the trillions of microbes living within our gut, collectively known as the microbiome.

You can find out more about the connection between your immune system and your gut here: https://covid.joinzoe.com/post/how-to-boost-immunity

Get the latest NHS information and advice about coronavirus (COVID-19)

For Much Hadham Health Centre Patients
To order repeat prescriptions please email muchhadham.pharmacy@nhs.net
Please allow 5 working days before collecting your prescription

Herts Clinical Commissioning Group look after local GP services


If you need or know someone who needs help with their food shopping, prescriptions or other daily errands, please call 07593 876279 for Much Hadham, or 07710 325363 for Little Hadham. For the Hamlets of Perry Green and Green Tye, contact the Preservation society or call the Much Hadham number.

Please look at the Social Diary and Activity Pack pages of this website, or call Claire in Much Hadham on 07595 674241, or email claire.uwins@mac.com

For Little Hadham please contact Jan on 07710 325363, or email chairvillagehall@littlehadham.org.uk.

You can ask for a GP referral to East Herts Prescribing service via the Much Hadham Health centre on 01279 842242.

If you are in need of welfare support, please call Herts Help on 0300 123 4044 and ask to be directed to Operation CommUNITY where you can go on a list to receive food deliveries, medicine pick ups and befriending/social prescribing support.

Vulnerable families, vulnerable mental healthcare patients and financially extremely vulnerable residents may also be able to access Operation CommUNITY in coming weeks via a referral into Herts Help on 0300 123 4044 or email info@hertshelp.net

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Get the latest Government information and advice about coronavirus (COVID-19)

0800 028 8327

If you have had a letter from HM Government to go onto the list of those who are considered extremely vulnerable, you MUST register for this shield scheme. This will ensure you are on the radar with the relevant government agencies.

Shielding’ means not leaving your home and minimising contact with other members of your household.

Most supermarkets will also prioritise you for home deliveries via this group, so please check if you qualify at www.gov.uk/coronavirus-extremely-vulnerable

Once you are on the list you will receive a welfare food parcel which may include tinned soup, tuna, beans, mushy peas, dried pasta/rice 500g, bread, UHT milk, tea bags, potatoes, apples / oranges, digestive biscuits, cooking sauces, soap and body wash.

If you haven’t had a Government letter, but feel you or someone you know should be on the Operation Shield list due to significant risk of Covid-19, e.g. cancer, call the govt helpline below or ask your GP for a referral to the Govt scheme. You can also call Herts Help on 0300 123 4044 and ask if you can be referred to the Herts County Council Operation Shield team.

For advice covering a wide range if issues.
Call Adviceline on 03444 111 444 (Mon-Fri 10am-4pm) or Call Message Line on 01920 459944 for a call back (any time)


Information on coronavirus, including updates on how you can look after yourself and loved ones, comments from Age UK, and ways you can support older people.