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Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Much Hadham Fete 2020 - COVID-19 Update

First, we hope that everyone is keeping safe, well and continuing to get through this current situation as best they can.

For transparency we wanted to share with you our current thinking about the event this year and to ask for your support and patience as we carefully review all the possible options.

As you know the Fete is held on the August bank holiday each year, which this year falls on 31 August. As it stands, there is no government or local authority guidance which reaches that far into the summer, so at this stage we do not know whether or not such large public gatherings will be permitted by then. Increasingly though this feels optimistic.

At this stage we have not cancelled the event, but the current level of uncertainty means we are not taking any bookings or able to give details about possible content.

We are monitoring the position and our options closely and we will provide a further update by the end of May.

In the meantime, we wish everyone the best in the strange and uncertain times and know that this will end and good times lie ahead.

Best wishes, The Fete Committee


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