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Monday, 1 March 2021

CAREbank News March 2021


Whilst village halls remain closed,  Zoom sessions continue with Sunday Church, Daily Lent reflections, Wednesday CuppaTime, Thursday Chair Yoga & Friday ballet.

Free 24 hours 0800 804 804 line, offering music, sleep support, prayer & reflection from Church of England via landline & mobile. For more information see the website at: www.churchofengland.org

Stepping Stones - Emotional Resilience Workshops & Dementia Friends sessions are offered regularly via: www.eastherts.gov.uk      

of you who asked for help via our survey in Aug/Sept will be contacted by a volunteer working on behalf of Ash Valley Village Connections project to plan how you would like to start your support when lockdown eases. 

Whilst meeting with you face to face isn't possible during lockdown, we are taking this opportunity to start connections via phone until we can meet with you safely to  assist you using your preferred digital device.

We can loan residents without devices a tablet to practice with. Our mission is to help you create the online connections you need for video calls, shopping, banking, entertainment and anything else you have asked about, including  accessing vital services or the latest scams info. 

Please remember that a conversation with one of our volunteers does not commit you to anything, it is just to allow us to discuss which device you would like to use and what services you may wish to access with it.

Please don't hesitate to contact Claire on 07595 674241 if you would like to be added to the support list or have any questions. 

Our Hadhams Yoga, Pilates & Adult Ballet instructors will stream via a new digital portal so you can attend over 150 classes from home.

A Freephone & online Frontline service will pilot for joined up access to services; Citizens Advice, Community Transport, Carers in Herts, Adult social care, bereavement, domestic abuse & Fraud helplines.

We are linking up with other villages and organisations to ensure that as many dots as possible are joined for you for after lockdown.  

A very well equipped new kitchen in the Little Hadham Village Hall has been installed and will be ready for our Community Kitchen to thrive after lockdown.

Fee's home delivery service continues. Call 01920 449292 or
email at: 

Sunday 28th March -  A home delivery is in the pipeline as a pre Easter feast for our Sunday lunch club members. Contact Claire on 07595 674241 for details.