As we can now meet up in groups of up to six, we invite you to a sneak preview of the unfolding transformation of our inter-village Community Hub space at Little Hadham village Hall. Think of it as a new one stop 'shop' window for entertainment, advice and wellness support.
Why not book a 'cuppa & cake' spot during June or come along just to see what is going on at your new Hub in advance of society opening up again without social distancing measures.
We will be organising a proper launch event later in the year which you are all welcome to attend as local residents and patients of MH Health Centre.
Our Hub is a safe and friendly place to connect in to, both face to face and online . There will be a Freephone on site which you can walk in to "triage" yourself to all the useful helpline numbers provided in this magazine during the pandemic.
You will always be assisted by volunteers from all our villages working together. So make a start with a cafe booking, a digital learning session such as the one detailed on the opposite page or an appointment with our new rural outreach Citizen Advice team.
Please get in touch with Claire on 07595 674241 or Jan on 07710 325363.
Zoom: Wednesday 4.30pm CuppaTime, Friday 11.30am Chair Yoga.
Contact Claire 07595 674241
Get yourself moving online. Take a look at all the June sessions at: www.whatson.activeeastherts.org.uk
Eating for Health: www.muchhadhamhealthcentre.co.uk/page1.aspx?p=13&t=1
Text SHOUT to 85258 for mental health support https://giveusashout.org
Herts NHS & Covid updates https://healthierfuture.org
Covid support continues via our MH volunteer network on 07593 876279. Please save this & the other useful numbers below on your phone or post this list on your fridge for future reference.
For Lifts to Hospital Appts: 0300 123 1677
For Citizens Advice: 01920 459944
For Adult Social Care: 0300 123 4042
For Carers in Herts: 01992 586969
For Bereavement Support: 0808 808 1677 or www.cruse.org.uk
For Crisis Support: 0300 123 4044 or info@hertshelp.net
For Domestic Abuse 08088 088088 or https://www.hertsdomesticabusehelpline.org
For all the latest information and clickable links go to www.carebank.uk
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